Whenever we talk about the Android the devices which mostly come to our minds are of HTC , Samsung , Motorola and LG because these are the companies which makes top devices for Android. From many other phones designer Sony Ericsson is the one which has shown some potential to make good Android devices and their one of the better device is Xperia Play which is supposed to be a device specially designed to play games.
So , to further give spark to their Xperia Play Sony Ericsson has recently release about 20 new games for their top Android device.The device was initially with not much games as the device is designed specially to play games so now with new games in it , this device would attract more people.These are the some of games released : Minecraft , Rainbow Six: Shadow Vanguard and Battlefield Bad Company 2.Some of these game have been seen in the iOS devices too and now they are available on Xperia.And we can expect to hear more about it in E3 conference.