According to a source, there are over a billion registered domains in the world with working sites – most of them wanting to be at the top of search result. And in the past, we have gone through a lot of tips and suggestions to produce quality content but today, we will share some tech stuff for you to improve your site search rank on Google search.
In a recent announcement by Google on ranking the billion sites in the world and optimizing search results, it is said that websites that are responsive or mobile friendly will be given higher ranks in search results.

Recommendations in the past have already been made by technology experts and developers to make websites not only user friendly but also device or mobile friendly. With rapid increase in smart phone usage and internet on the go, there are more users accessing the web data through mobile devices than desktop or laptops.
And as an overall shift in technology trend and not just for sites, many businesses are also shaping up their mobile strategy to stay at the forefront of the game. Many large businesses and enterprises are adapting the BYOD concept (bring your own device) to save costs and bring in processes efficiencies to their existing system.
The same objective has been kept in mind by Google when recently they announced to roll out a new algorithm on April 21 that would support and bring up the sites that are mobile friendly or in other words are mobile responsive.
If you have a decent traffic coming on to your site and you feel you should carry on with the responsibility to provide users with valuable content, you should be the first mover in turning your site and content as mobile friendly. Learn more in detail on quick steps you can take to turn your site as a mobile friendly site by reading through a list of our relevant articles.