WordPress is an ideal web publishing platform for blogs and various types of websites.It has been recently discovered that WordPress is being used by top 100 blogs of the world. Its popularity has increased from 32% to 48% from the past 3 years. Custom Blog publishing platforms are more widely used now, Tumblr has made and opening and TypePad has vanished from the top 100.
A research conducted 3 years ago showed what blog platforms and content management systems (CMS) were used by the sites listed in Technorati’s top 100 blogs.
In 2012 that same Research has almost showed that half of the websites use WordPress, making WordPress rule.
The Comparison from 2009 to 2012
As a whole WordPress has gained popularity from 32 to 48 out of the top 100 blogs. TypePad has moved out from the market, from 16 to 2 particulary. Drupal attained 2 sites. Out of the publisher-specific platforms, Gawker has decreased by 1 site, and BlogSmith by 10 sites. Tumblr has made an opening and so has CrowdFusion with 1 site. Google’s Blogger is stagnant. Daily Kos is still the only site in the top 100 that runs Scoop. Expression Engine and Bricolage drop out of the top 100.
What the Owner Matt Mullenweg has to say
The past 3 years have been a sailing victory for WordPress, not only has it gained 48% of the top 100 blogs but has laid its’ foundation in the blog business. WordPress is apparently the most out-shining blogging platform as well as of growing importance as a more universal Content Management System.
Matt Mullenweg, the founding developer of WordPress as well as the founder (and Chief BBQ Taste Tester) of Automattic has high dreams of touching the sky and taking WordPress to its extreme.
He says:
”The last few years we’ve really focused on both the usability and flexibility of WordPress, which has resulted in accelerating growth in both big and small sites. I expect even higher adoption among the largest sites and blogs over the next year.”