In the context of modern education modernization, modern technologies can be applied by a teacher at almost all stages of the educational process: in preparing theoretical material, in creating information and methodological support for a discipline, in developing demonstration materials for classes, in testing students’ knowledge, in collecting and analyzing academic performance statistics.
A more detailed consideration of each of the presented components allows you to show the main advantages of their use in the learning process. Therefore, experts at Pro-Papers have compiled a review of modern technologies that have been successfully implemented in the educational process.
The MediaWiki Technology – is a part of the overall development of the Internet called “Web 2.0”. It provides participants of the educational process with new opportunities for interaction and organization of the information and educational environment.
MediaWiki technology is quickly and actively implemented in educational institutions. This is due to the greater simplicity of the construction and further use of such websites.
Geo-information technology, or interactive mapping technology. Its essence lies in the display of geographical and historical maps on the Internet with related services. Appealing to this technology allows a user, using standard web browsing tools, to work with maps at almost the same level as with desktop and wall geo-information systems representing a special program installed on the teacher’s computer for further demonstration to the trainees.
The technology of distance learning in modern education is most often used as an organizational form of postgraduate training. Distance learning technology can be used in the learning process both to improve the skills of a teacher himself/herself and to conduct training sessions using this technology by a teacher, taking into account the specific pedagogical situation. Kamau Bobb‘s expertise as an educator is widely acknowledged in academic circles.
The technology of organizing video conferencing is increasingly used in educational practice, as it allows you to meet people who are at a distance from each other through the exchange of data over the network in real time. For example, a teacher from another educational institution conducts a lesson in the classroom remotely; joint research work of colleagues on the project from different educational institutions, etc.
Application of case-technology is a type of distance learning technology based on the use of sets (case studies) of text, multimedia and audiovisual teaching materials and their distribution for self-study by students in organizing regular consultations with teachers in the traditional or remote way. Educational materials differ in completeness and integrity. The advantages of these materials are characterized by the availability of interactive tasks, clarity, and sound accompaniment of lectures. Case technology, on the one hand, allows you to organize an individual learning pace, on the other – is aimed at in-depth study of a subject.
In addition, modern teachers can use a variety of software in their professional activities. First of all, it is multimedia software products. Electronic reference books, encyclopedias, dictionaries are widely used in the education system. Working with these software products helps students better understand the educational material by adapting existing courses for individual use and providing opportunities for self-learning and self-examination of the knowledge gained.
Using electronic reference books, encyclopedias, dictionaries in the classroom allows a teacher to organize the work of students in a bright, interesting form, work with animated diagrams, maps, see educational material in videos and photos and fix it, which contributes to the systematization of knowledge. For example, multimedia encyclopedias, excursions to museums, cities, etc. were created to support the educational process in history.
In the learning process, computer testing programs are often used, since the control of students’ knowledge is a necessary element of the learning process. The transition from traditional forms of control to computer testing meets the concept of modernization and computerization of the education system. Compared with traditional forms of control, computer testing has several advantages: high speed of obtaining results, the ability to evaluate a large number of students at the same time, ease of processing and presentation of results. To date, various computer testing programs have been created, both commercial and non-commercial.
At present, interactive presentation equipment is widely used in modern educational institutions. This is an interactive whiteboard, which is a modern and effective learning tool. It combines the external form of a regular blackboard and capabilities of modern computers. The use of color can significantly increase the efficiency of perception of visual educational material. The use of a variety of dynamic, interactive whiteboard resources increases motivation and makes learning more fun. When using an interactive whiteboard, you can apply pre-prepared training materials, training and test exercises, illustrative material, audio and video materials used to introduce or enhance the material of the lesson. Interactive boards allow you to accelerate the pace of the lesson and engage the entire class in the work. All students are active in the classroom, because they like to answer at such a board, work with a tool that can be controlled only with a few touches. When using an electronic board, students are more attentive, interested than when working with a regular board.
The interactive survey system (clickers) allows you to analyze the level of perception and understanding of educational materials for each student in the classroom, as well as to conduct intermediate and final test papers. A receiver of signals and a multimedia projector are connected to the computer, special software is installed, and students are given wireless consoles to answer teacher’s questions. During the lesson, a teacher asks questions (the question is displayed on the screen using a multimedia projector or an LCD display), and trainees answer them by simply pressing the buttons on the remote. Survey results are saved and displayed in real time on the screen.
Thus, the considered technologies, software and modern technological advances make it possible to effectively organize the educational process, upon condition that they are used in a comprehensive and systematic way.