Google Chrome has launched chrome browser 5 beta releases which embedded with HTML 5 features like geolocation APIs, drag and drop capabilities etc. Google arrived chrome browser beta release 5.0.375.39, that supports working with windows operating system, Mac and also works with Linux. Chrome browser new beta release enhanced its working, increases speed and improves performance while running with MAC, Linux and Windows Operating system.
Google chrome browser latest version improves its performance by incorporating the JavaScript engine and also embeds the feature of pre-defined browser preference through user’s centralized Google accounts in multiple machines. Google’s latest chrome browser beta release introduces a feature that it allows the users to store their browser settings like language, themes and more in their Google Accounts. On the other hand, users can apply same browser setting on multiple machines by just singing into theirs Google accounts. Users can also Sync theirs Chrome bookmarks through this chrome browser build. Adobe Flash player is also integrated into the beta version of chrome, in order to view applications that required Flash application for running smoothly. Sync feature in the chrome browser also create interest for the users to use Google chrome browser.
However, performance check of new beta release of Google chrome has been tested through V8 and Sunspider benchmark tests introduced by google and Apple’s WebKit group to check the working of the browser. According to Hilwa, accessing web sites delays are not mostly caused due to browsers; most of the times are the Network. Google chrome comes third in usage market share at the end of April, behind market leader Microsoft internet explorer and Firefox web browser. Chrome browser is updated to coupe up with the latest web application and services Available on Internet.
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