Mozilla overhauls Looks for Firefox 4 beta

Mozilla browser introduce new upgrade version for its Firefox 4 browser.  The latest upgrades come with the overhauls looks for Firefox 4 web browser interface. The Firefox beta 1 supports latest Web technologies with increase in the performance speed. Beta 1 release is now available for Windows, Mac and Linux users. The most obvious feature for the first beta of Firefox 4 that overhauls interface looks only automatically offered to Windows Users.

Menu bar of the windows 7 was replaced with a single firefox button and one can get the most used options with just one click. It is easier to focus on the web content and also to control the web tools as the tabs are moved to the top of the web browser.  Apparently, the tabs top option firefox browser interface is by default available to the Windows Users.  User’s of Mac and Linux gets this view through selecting View Menu from toolbar option.

Mozilla browser introduce new crash protection feature known as “out of process plug-in” or OOPP for short in Firefox 4. The plugin OOPP protect the browser from crashes by Apple’ Quick Time or Adobe’s Flash as this issue comes in the windows version of Firefox 3.6.4.  OOPP feature has been available to the Mac / Linux users through Firefox 4 Beta 1. Firefox beta 1 comes with additional support features that improve the browser performance, features are like support for HTML5, Google WebM video standards and many more features.  Firefox 4 Beta 1 web browser comes with Web GL and hardware acceleration API that Microsoft uses to improve the speed and performance efficiency of Internet Explorer 9.  Mozilla browser will release the final version in the fourth quarter of this year 2010 and it is expected that more beta releases of Firefox 4 will arrives before the final version of firefox 4 browser.

One Reply to “Mozilla overhauls Looks for Firefox 4 beta”

  1. Really waiting for the final release of the firefox 4 web browser for mac users

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